chris sherland guitar

Bust Through the Pentatonic Positions

Stay Awake Playing Scales on The Guitar

Pentatonic Scale Deep Dive

The Major Scale On Guitar: What you need to know

Understand The Fretboard Right Now: Use Octave Linking

Deep Dive: Scale Sequencing

Easy Workout To Unlock Any Scale

Let's Go Beyond Boomer Bends!

Triads For Guitar: START HERE

What is The Golden Warmup?

Overlaying CAGED and Pentatonic

Why Are There Three Minor Scales?

Music Theory Where Do I Start?

Better sounding scales for guitar

CAGED: the easy way

Pentatonic Scales: The Easy Way!!

Mapping Intervals To The Fretboard

Target Notes For Guitar

Triads With Beethoven!

Subdivision Metronome Drills

Circle Of Fifths Workout!

Drilling Triads On Guitar

Music Theory On Guitar

Playing Over Changes 101